314 Sigma Systems, Inc.

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2305 S. Colorado Blvd.
Suite 100
Denver, CO 80222-5904
P: 1-800-747-4462
F: (303) 758-4542
Category: Other Category Not Listed
Sigma’s Financial Aid and Student Accounts software is the most comprehensive student financial services solution available today. After 50 years, Sigma supports highly-automated solutions at many of the nation’s top post-secondary educational institutions. We start with annual and term-based support for loans, state grants, R2T4 calculations, COD, BBAY and automated PLUS loan processing. ProSAM continues with a highly-customizable, rules-based system deployable to many server and database platforms and tied into student self-service portals, information systems and enterprise applications. Our staff ties in years of student budgeting and awards packaging experience to navigate the ever-changing complexity of Federal and state programs.