513 Selective Service System
513 Selective Service System
Selective Service System
P.O. Box 94636
Palatine, IL 60094-4636
P: 888-655-1825
F: 847-688-4747
P.O. Box 94636
Palatine, IL 60094-4636
P: 888-655-1825
F: 847-688-4747
Website: www.sss.gov
State or Federal Agency
The Selective Service System registers men between the ages 18-25 as is required by law.
When a man reaches 26 years of age it is too late to register.
Failure to register generally results in a loss of access to:
• College loans and grants,
• Job training programs,
• Federal jobs, and many state and municipal jobs
• U.S. citizenship for immigrants.
The Agency provides literature, posters, internet and web site information to High Schools, Colleges, administrators, counselors, teachers, and community influencers to help educate young men about about this civic-duty requirement. More info at www.sss.gov or 1-888-655-1825
New Product or Service: Selective Service System Facebook
Description: https://www.facebook.com/SSSregistration