125 Best Practices in Emergency Aid

Sunday, July 10, 2016: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Thurgood Marshall North (Marriott Wardman Park)
Session Type: Interest Sessions
Track: Research & Data Analysis Track
Audience: All
Credit Type: Credit Hours and Clock Hours
School Type: All Schools
This session will discuss the impact a small, one-time resource, provided to students who experience an unforeseen financial crisis, can have on improving your institution's retention and graduation rates. You will hear about the components needed for a robust emergency aid program, what is needed to administer the program across your campus, how to market the program and how to ensure sustainability. Three experts will provide a well-rounded view of the solution, including investment and research perspectives from a philanthropic organization, a national higher education organization, and a senior leader from a college that has implemented a viable program.
Charlotte Etier (NASFAA)
Amelia Parnell (NASPA)
Michael Anthony Baston (La Guardia Community College)