611 National Scholarship Providers Association

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P.O. Box 215
Charlottesville, VA 22902
P: 303-442-2524
Category: Association, Membership
National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) is dedicated to supporting the needs of professionals administering scholarships in colleges/universities, non-profits, foundations, and businesses. Members receive numerous benefits, including networking with nearly 2000 members, as well as diverse resources for program and professional development, the latest industry news, and exclusive rates for NSPA summits and annual conferences. To learn more about the NSPA products and services visit www.scholarshipproviders.org/page/join
New Product or Service: NSPA Exchange Database
Description: The Exchange stores a detailed profile of every scholarship program offered by a provider, including data points such as award amount, application dates, number of scholarships awarded, eligibility criteria, and more. The solution will support research efforts, NSPA member peer comparisons, funder data requests, and similar reporting and analysis.