Leveraging Analytics to Drive Financial Aid Counseling Strategy

Monday, July 20, 2015: 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Celestin F - Level 3 (Hyatt Regency New Orleans)
Session Type: Interest Sessions
Track: Research & Data Analysis Track
Audience: All
Credit Type: Credit Hours and Clock Hours
School Type: All Schools
Does your institution struggle with providing effective financial counseling due to limited resources? Learn how Capella University leverages analytics and targeted counseling to provide a personalized experience with limited resources. Key concepts to be discussed include: leveraging analytics to identify opportunities, segmenting your student population for targeted outreach, measuring results, and successfully advocating for resource allocation within your school.
Bethany Willard (Capella University)
Jarod Paulson (Capella University)
Timothy Eaton (Capella University)