199 Findings from NASFAA's Survey of College Presidents

Tuesday, July 12, 2016: 8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Roosevelt 123 (Marriott Wardman Park)
Session Type: Interest Sessions
Track: Research & Data Analysis Track
Audience: All
Credit Type: Credit Hours and Clock Hours
School Type: All Schools
This session will present the findings from recent research done on college and university presidents' perceptions of the financial aid office (FAO) and its administrators. Using data collected during an in-person focus group and a national online survey, both administered in early 2016, panelists will discuss in-depth the understanding and satisfaction level presidents have with the FAO and financial aid administrators as well as what information presidents would like to receive related to financial aid and how they would like to receive it. There will be additional discussion on next steps for NASFAA and our members.
Charlotte Etier (NASFAA)
Charlotte Etier (NASFAA)
Eileen O'Leary (Stonehill College)
Karli Susi (McKinley Advisors)