200 Restructuring Institutional Financial Aid Programs Revisited

Tuesday, July 12, 2016: 8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Wilson ABC (Marriott Wardman Park)
Session Type: Interest Sessions
Track: Enrollment & Retention Track
Subcategories: Enrollment Management
Audience: Intermediate (3-7 years experience) and Advanced (8 or more years experience)
Credit Type: Credit Hours and Clock Hours
School Type: Private School and Public School
Three years ago at the NASFAA conference in Las Vegas, University of Oregon representatives presented their plan to restructure the school's merit- and need-based financial aid programs. Presenters talked about how the decisions were made, the data analysis that was done, and the resulting new programs. In this session, presenters from the university will return to update attendees on the results of the restructured merit- and need-based programs, both anecdotally and using data, talk about what was learned along the way, and plans moving forward.
Jacqueline Kennedy-Fletcher (Indiana University)
James Brooks (University of Oregon)
Jonathan Jacobs (University of Oregon)