Minimize Staff Workload and Maximize Awarding with Improved Scholarship Management (repeated Monday at 11:45am)

Monday, June 27, 2022: 4:15 PM-5:15 PM
Meeting Room 13B (Austin Convention Center)

Session Type: Financial Aid Business Solutions Seminars
Track: Leadership/Manager's Track
Audience: All
Credit Type: Credit Hours and Clock Hours
School Type: All Schools
Financial aid leaders have the high-stakes responsibility of awarding institutional and donor scholarships to optimize enrollment and student success. However, they are challenged by cumbersome processes, disparate data, unique and varied scholarship requirements, multiple stakeholders, and under-resourced staff.

Regent Fund provides a comprehensive, full lifecycle solution that automates and simplifies the process for students, staff, and donors from application to awarding to packaging. Harnessing proven expertise in financial aid automation, Regent Fund leverages data integration, flexible student applications, automated workflows, and built-in logic to minimize staff workload and maximize awarding. Learn more and see a demo of this new solution!

Ron Dinwiddie (Regent Education)
Steven England (Regent Education)