Privacy and Data Protection

Monday, July 20, 2015: 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Strand 10AB - Level 2 (Hyatt Regency New Orleans)
Session Type: Interest Sessions
Track: U.S. Department of Education
Audience: All
Credit Type: Credit Hours and Clock Hours
School Type: All Schools
More than 1.2 billion username/password combinations have been stolen in a series of internet heists affecting 420,000+ websites. Yearly, incidents of major data loss occur at postsecondary educational institutions, potentially compromising the personal data of parents, students, faculty, and alumni. Are you protected? Do you know what to do if there is a data breach?

This session defines what you need to know, including: Personally Identifiable Information; sensitivities a breach presents; possible mitigation strategies to avoid a data breach; and steps schools should take if a data breach occurs.

Matthew Stokan (Waynesburg University)
Cheng Tang (U.S. Department of Education)