10 Common Questions Schools Have About Federal Program Reviews

Tuesday, June 25, 2019: 2:30 PM-2:50 PM
Atlantic Hall (Walt Disney World Dolphin)
Wednesday, June 26, 2019: 8:30 AM-8:50 AM
Atlantic Hall (Walt Disney World Dolphin)

Session Type: Learning Lounge
Many schools fear program reviews, but you don’t have to. Come to this Learning Lounge session to learn about the types of reviews, potential triggers for being selected for a review, and the potential financial ramifications, as well as about the NASFAA tools and services to you can utilize help you survive a review with flying colors.
Mandy Sponholtz (NASFAA)
Anthony Erwin (NASFAA)
Mandy Sponholtz (NASFAA)
Anthony Erwin (NASFAA)